Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Bones are for CATS!

My girls say I don't deserve a blog since I rarely update it but when you are in the midst of moving, transitioning, and getting used to being in the states again PLUS looking for a house - well, the time just isn't there. However, I had to write today because this week I have little K with me and boy, are we having fun. He is talking so much and SO expressive. The other night at supper, he was helping himself to a chicken drumstick and commenced to eat the bony "handle" of the drumstick. I said, "Oh, no, no, K. Bones are for cats!" Well, he thought that was absolutely hilarious and for the next 30 minutes he asked, "Gigi, do you eat bones?" My reply, of course, was, "No, no, K. Bones are for cats!" Okay, I know you might be asking why I didn't say "bones are for dogs". Well Audra and Brian also have a family pet - Jackson - who is the most beautiful and gentle black laby you have ever met and I quickly thought - if I say "bones are for dogs", little K would be sure to give his next drumstick bone to Jackson! Since Jackson is on a strict "doggy diet" that would be a catastrophe. But since Brian is allergic to cats, I don't think the family will ever get a CAT for a family pet so that seemed like a safe answer. Now, every day, at least 10,000 times - K says, "Gigi, do you eat bones?" and I quickly reply - "No, no, K. Bones are for cats!" Sweet times.

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