Monday, November 1, 2010

Christmas Cards

Christmas cards have ALWAYS been a must in our family. We have lived overseas for nearly 20 years so it has been a way to keep in touch with loved ones at least once a year. This year, our Christmas card must be special. Our daughter and her husband are in the process of adopting four boys and the adoption should be final before Christmas. So we will be sure and send out a Christmas card collage of their photo introducing them to our family and friends. I love the photo collage because it is a "scrapbook" right on the front of a card wishing a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Be sure and watch your mailbox!

· holiday cards linked to

· invitations linked to

· Calendars linked to

“Shutterfly is offering 20% off all holiday cards” and hyperlink to

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sharing Who God Is

Thank you, Father, for special times of drawing close to my grandchildren and sharing who you are. Thanks for questions like, "Can God really talk to you, Gigi?" that open the door on deep discussions that lead the heart towards You. Thanks for piercing the hearts of T and J this week and drawing them into Your hand! Thanks ahead of time for the way you continue to draw D and K towards you. Thank you for a wonderful daughter who is a wonderful mother whose heart is bent towards you and whose faith is a daily inspiration to me. I love being Gigi.

Another Grandson for the Night

Today we met Brian's parents in Cookeville (they live in Gatlinburg) to pick up D. D had been staying with them this week and attending VBS at their church. He seemed to have a great time and as soon as we got in the car started showing me all the things he made in VBS. Wow. The Lord has been so good to give me special times alone with my grandchildren since we arrived back in Tennessee. We are hoping to have a few days with J before the summer is done.

Audra shared that T and J gave their hearts to Jesus while they were at camp this week. Wow! Thanks to all of you who have been praying. Keep it up. This is just the beginning and I am so glad that you are on this journey with us.

We have two more boys to pray into the kingdom!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Missing K

I remember this feeling. It happened every time my kids went back to boarding school. That feeling that "something" is missing. We took K back home this morning and were out busy all afternoon. But when I walked back into the house tonight - there was that feeling. I remember when Audra and Ross and Chelsea would leave for ICA, I would walk to each of their rooms and lay on their beds and just try to smell them into existence! Of course, I cried. I will NEVER like saying goodbye and it will NEVER be easy. And here we are saying it again. Oh, it is just for a few days. We will see them all on Sunday - but still. I've got the blues. I miss my little K. I wonder if he eats bones?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Shhhh! Gigi's Taking a Nap

It's funny what habits we have when we are settling down for sleep. Me, I twist and turn and try to find "my spot". Rick says I'm "nesting". It's almost like a cat that goes round and round until it finally finds that comfortable spot! Little K is no different from any other two year old, I suppose. He agrees to a nap, knows he needs one, but can't quite settle down as quickly to take it as Gigi. The last few days I have invested about 15 minutes in lying down with him on the "big bed" with him (actually just enjoying watching him while I pretend to be asleep!) He twists and turns, sings and talks, and whispers "Shhhh, Gigi is taking a nap." I know he is just about "there" when I see his little hand cup under his chin. It will only be a minute now and he will be off to sleepy land. Sure enough, every time that little hand tells the tale. We're almost there. So funny. So adorable. The house will be too quiet tomorrow. And Audra's will almost be full again!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Bones are for CATS!

My girls say I don't deserve a blog since I rarely update it but when you are in the midst of moving, transitioning, and getting used to being in the states again PLUS looking for a house - well, the time just isn't there. However, I had to write today because this week I have little K with me and boy, are we having fun. He is talking so much and SO expressive. The other night at supper, he was helping himself to a chicken drumstick and commenced to eat the bony "handle" of the drumstick. I said, "Oh, no, no, K. Bones are for cats!" Well, he thought that was absolutely hilarious and for the next 30 minutes he asked, "Gigi, do you eat bones?" My reply, of course, was, "No, no, K. Bones are for cats!" Okay, I know you might be asking why I didn't say "bones are for dogs". Well Audra and Brian also have a family pet - Jackson - who is the most beautiful and gentle black laby you have ever met and I quickly thought - if I say "bones are for dogs", little K would be sure to give his next drumstick bone to Jackson! Since Jackson is on a strict "doggy diet" that would be a catastrophe. But since Brian is allergic to cats, I don't think the family will ever get a CAT for a family pet so that seemed like a safe answer. Now, every day, at least 10,000 times - K says, "Gigi, do you eat bones?" and I quickly reply - "No, no, K. Bones are for cats!" Sweet times.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Catching my breath

Seems like I can't stop long enough to catch my breath, much less write on the blog. But I had to stop for a moment - sit down, relax, and BREATHE long enough to tell you about the incredible week I had with T. He came to spend the week with us last week while D went to VBS at home and B went to spend a week with his other grandparents. K was also at home with Audra and Brian.

Rick and I went to get T on Sunday because we wanted him to be here to start VBS on Monday morning. The mission house where we are living backs right up to the church so he didn't have far to walk. In fact, the first two days the opening "ceremonies" were in our backyard! Monday morning he was a little apprehensive about VBS - had never been before and didn't know anyone. I had already pre-registered him so I walked him over to his group. At that particular time there was nothing but GIRLS in his group, but I assured him that it was early and that soon other boys would be there. (Thank you, Lord, that you provided other boys quickly!)

This church's VBS revolved around Paul and his time in Rome. They even had the gym totally decorated like a Roman marketplace. The pastor posed as Paul in the marketplace and he was IN CHAINS. The kids moved around the marketplace for crafts, snacks, bible study, etc. Often there were interruptions when Roman soldiers made their way through the crowds to arrest people for being Christian. T was quite taken with the whole thing and was a little disappointed when I explained that the man wasn't REALLY Paul, but just the pastor acting. I later had teh opportunity to tell the pastor what an impression he had made on T. By the end of the week, T was having so much fun and always wanted to be the first one there. On Friday as we were leaving he was sad that it was over but excited when I told him that he could come and go to VBS wherever we were NEXT SUMMER!

In the afternoons, T and I had fun doing several things. One day we went to the Science Museum here in Nashville. Rick and I bought the "Grandparent package" which includes entry into the museum for us and for the boys as many times as we like over the next year. It is already one of T's favorite places.

Another day I took T to play "goofy golf". T is VERY athletic and picks up sports easily. Of course by the end of the afternoon (two games later) we were definitely "professional" golfers! T also drove a go-cart for the first time and LOVED that!

T was able to go look at several houses with Rick and I. (We are on the search for a rental house in Mount Juliet.) He was hoping we would settle on one so he could be the first one to SEE it! STill no house, but we are continuing to look and ask God to provide.

On Friday afternoon, Rick took off and we took T on a picnic at the skateboard park. He rides the skateboard and was fascinated with all the teenage boys there and what they could do on skateboards. He was concerned, however, that many of them did NOT have on helmets!

Every night T and I had devotions together and had some very sweet moments... incredible moments. Thank YOU for praying for us last week. the week passed way too quickly and it was time to take T home. I think he had a good time with Gigi and Grandpa and will come again sometime - maybe this summer before school gets out!

Sunday Rick and I will pick K up to keep him for a few days. T and J are going to camp and D is going to spend the week with Brian's parents. We felt like Audra and Brian could use a few days all by themselves to re-group! They have had the boys about 2 and a half months now. Keep praying for them. In fact, every time the Spirit prompts you to pray - just DO it!

Until next ime...

Friday, May 28, 2010

Growing and Flexible

Rick and I arrived back in Nashville Wednesday evening from Singapore. In many ways I came "kicking and screaming" because we have just spent the last nearly three years in an incredible place to live. Singapore, the place where I don't EVER have to drive or find my way around (for those of you who know me, you realize how important this is to me), I don't have to cook (street food is good and cheap), the weather never gets cold, and I can accidently leave my purse at the coffee shop and return an house later to find it there! These are the things about Singapore that I will miss. I've already cried behind the wheel and I haven't been here but three days.

On the other hand, my children and family are here ... well, for the most part. Chelsea is away in West Africa - suffering the heat and mosquitoes because she has dangerously surrendered to His will for her life. Ross and his new bride are coming to spend the night with us this weekend (won't that be weird) - but I can't wait to get to know my new daughter-in-law more and more. Audra and her crew are also here - and the part of my little garden that needs the most tending. Praying that I have brought the right tools with me (that He has equipped me with) and that I will be able to help. Don't know what that help looks like but am willing to do anything to see this garden healthy and thriving.

Looking for a place to settle in ourselves. Praying that I will be patient until the right one comes along.

Glad to be on this journey with my Lord. Only He understands and knows what all of this means.

Monday, May 3, 2010

My Incredible Audra

This last six weeks in the states has been an incredible time for me as a mom. My only son got married to a wonderful girl and their wedding was just so special. It was full of "little things" that only a certain few could recognize and appreciate but it was those special touches that really spoke to me. During this six weeks time I also witnessed my own daughter, Audra, transform into the most beautiful and capable mother I have ever seen. I stood back in awe as I watched her make tough decisions, struggle over hard issues, and yet, appreciate the smallest thing. She recently updated her blog ( and as I read about her night time routine with K, my cup literally filled up and overflowed with love, admiration, pride, and inspiration. Audra, you have touched my life in ways I never dreamed. As I watch you stand in obedience to a calling, I am so proud to be your mother. Can't wait for the adventures ahead. I love you.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Vacation

Easter ... a time of new life and new beginnings... and how appropriate that our family, including the FANTASTIC FOUR, gathered to celebrate it together this year. Some time ago Audra and Brian had invited us (Gigi and Grandpa Rick) as well as Brian’s parents (Nana and Poppy) to join them on an Easter vacation to get to know the FANTASTIC FOUR. Brian found a 4 bedroom vacation home for rent in the Georgia mountains. It was a perfect place to be together, enjoy the great outdoors, and celebrate Easter together.
Grandpa and I drove to Audra’s on Friday and by 11:30am, we were on our way. T rode with us. I had prepared some Easter activity sheets for the ride up but T was feeling pretty sleepy so he slept most of his “hour” with us. We stopped for lunch at Sonic and what a funny time that was trying to get everyone’s order! Jackson, the family pet, was also with us so we “picnicked” out at the Sonic tables. I’ve never seen foot long chilli cheese dogs go down so quickly! You know, our kids were raised in Africa and we never really had access to foot long chilli cheese dogs! Ha!
Back in the car – D was riding with us this time. He eagerly did the activity sheets I had prepared and then we played the famous family ABC game trying to find words that started with the ABCs (in alphabetical order) from billboards! D caught on quickly and we had fun doing that. D slept a little, too, and before long it was time to pull over and trade seats with J. We had fun with him. By the time he did the activity sheets, we were rolling into the driveway of our weekend home.
Nana and Poppy had already arrived (they live closer) and were waiting for us on the front porch. Our weekend home was actually a two story place with a big front porch on the bottom and a screened in porch on the top. Everyone helped bring in the luggage and groceries. Nana and I had shopped at Sam’s, Costco, and Wal-Mart before coming so there was plenty of good food and healthy menus (per Audra’s request – not a lot of sweet desserts – sorry Poppy!)
Friday night Fiesta was on the table within the hour. Fiesta is a family favourite: chilli, rice, Fritos, cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, salsa, and sour cream (sort of like a Mexican build-up). It was a first for the FANTASTIC FOUR but it went over well and I suspect they will be having it at their house on a regular basis!
After supper we played a few hands of UNO before the boys got their baths and headed to bed. We all followed after a wonderful cup of coffee and some good conversation!
Saturday morning, everyone was up early. I was in charge of breakfast (muffins, scrambled eggs, and bacon). After breakfast all the “men” got ready for their big day. By 9:30 they were on their way to Turner Stadium in Atlanta to watch a pre game between the Atlanta Braves and the Chicago White Socks. Poppy and Brian (and Nana) are seasoned baseball fans but it was a first for Grandpa and the FANTASTIC FOUR. By all accounts, and from the stories the boys told us that night – they had a wonderful time. The boys stood in the outfield stands during batting practice. When the balls were hit into the stands, the balls are free for the “catching”. T and J both came away with balls but all three boys came away with brand new Atlanta Braves baseball caps (thanks, Poppy!) and a new love for the sport of baseball!
Meanwhile, back at “home” the girls and I relaxed, drank coffee, and just visited (and chased I around). We also put together the Easter buckets for the boys which included Bibles, puzzles, games, beef jerky (a favourite of the FANTASTIC FOUR) and Easter goodies. It was fun putting the buckets together. Jackson enjoyed the quiet as well. While I took a nap, Nana and Audra drove to the nearest town to pick up an ice cream cake to celebrate Brian’s birthday. When they came back we also managed to work in a movie (Julie and Julia) which we enjoyed immensely as well as being inspired to be better cooks!
Nana also put on the most wonderful steaks and baked potatoes for the evening meal. Our “men” came in tired and hungry. After supper we did manage to get in a few games of UNO before bedtime.
Sunday morning after breakfast, we all gathered in the living room to hear the Easter story. It was interesting to watch the FF start off in their chairs and slowly creep closer and closer to Brian as he read the Easter story. By the time he finished they were all within an arm’s reach. Although they knew a lot about the real meaning of Easter, they still had questions. We each got to share what Easter meant to us and it was a sweet moment for our new family!
Before lunch Brian wanted to try out his “child carrier” (and I was more than happy to sit up top) while we (Grandpa, the FF, Jackson and I) headed down the mountain for a hike. (I should have realized that what goes down also has to come up. Although I was one of the leaders going down I was certainly the last to drag up and my knees paid the price. I will have to get in better shape before the next mountain hike!
Lasagna was soon ready as well as some of the best rolls (Sister Schubert). We all ate a hearty lunch and afterwards, the Easter buckets were brought out. The boys loved their Bibles. It was neat because each Bible was different. Since we were having dinner with friends at their house, Audra called for a “quiet time” for the afternoon. The boys headed down to their room with Bibles in hand and it was neat to hear how they “investigated” their Bibles during this quiet hour.
Later on in the afternoon we all packed into the van and Poppy’s car and headed to the friends’ house for supper. It was a nice time there and we enjoyed watching the FF play together and relate to new friends.
Trying our best to keep everyone awake on the trip home was our goal. We managed it and even managed to work in a few games of UNO while boys were getting showers. Bibles in hand the boys headed off to bed. The adults made a pot of coffee, had some good conversation, and finally headed off to bed ourselves. What a great Easter day!
Monday morning – up getting packed up – getting cleaned up – gearing up to say goodbye. Grandpa and I were headed to New Orleans while the rest of the gang headed to Nana’s house. Audra texted later to say that they had made it but not without event. She, T, and I had gotten car sick on the windy roads and were literally GREEN. Even D was feeling ill. I’m sure they all headed to bed early tonight. As I mull over the day I was reminded of what a special family the Lord has allowed me to be a part of. What an adventure my life has already been and here we are headed into a MOST wonderful adventure with four incredibly special young men – men whose lives God wants to change and who He is using to change ours!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I Stand Amazed

I have just spent the last four days standing in amazement as I watched my oldest daughter be a mother! She didn't have nine months to prepare. She didn't have tons of showers to help her prepare for all she needed. She didn't have anyone "instruct" her on HOW to raise FOUR boys. She didn't even have anyone who could really relate to her situation. Oh, yes, she has other friends who have adopted. But most of them already had a child when they adopted or only adopted ONE or TWO children. But two very important things that she DID have: a wonderful husband who is as passionate about these four boys as she is and who feels as called to do that as Rick and I did to go overseas. AND she had/has a wonderful heavenly Father who can give her EVERYTHING she needs. As I sat back and watched her with the FANTASTIC FOUR I was so proud ... so moved by her willingness to sacrifice everything to be obedient to what God has called her to do ... so convicted to spend MORE time on my knees for her and for Brian and for each one of the FANTASTIC FOUR ... so inspired to draw closer to the One who can also give me all I need.

I stood amazed these few days as I watched God's grace pour over this family. There were hard moments, that's true, but there were some incredibly sweet moments ... unexpected hugs, little voices calling me "Gigi", wonderful meals and conversations around the table, playing "Mother May I" as a spelling game, helping dump a trailer of sticks in the woods, cooking a meal with my oldest grandson, changing a diaper after MANY years, ... I could go on and on. Sweet, sweet moments.

I have been praying for my grandchildren for years ... not by name, but with the confidence that they were coming and that God had a wonderful plan for their lives. Now those prayers have faces and names and hopes and a future. They are part of my family. They are changing my world!

Heading for a weekend vacation with them on Friday. Will update later.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

In Love

Today I fell in love four times over! How can four very different young men touch my heart in so many ways? There are no words. I am SO blessed. Met my four new grandsons today for the first time. J is such a handsome young man with a vibrant smile. Like all twelve year olds, he's strugging between being a young man and a kid. I so remember Ross at this age... same kind of thing. Wanting to be grown up and treated like an adult one minute and then remembering he is not quite as old as he thinks the next. Lord, be his stability. So much change in his life ... new home, new family, new school ... and all this in the midst of his own body and mind changing. T is so strong-willed, and I say that in a good way - because I know what strong-willed children turn into - people like AUDRA who can do anything they set their mind to... people who God calls to do extraordinary things. Lord, YOU alone can turn T's will to be YOUR OWN. Bring his strength and will under YOUR control. D has the biggest heart you can even imagine. He is so easy going and easily satisfied. He reminds me so much of Brian. Lord, being the third of four brothers is not an easy place. Show him his identity in YOU. Help our family to cultivate the love in his heart so that it can encompass all the new in his life. Little I is a typical two year old and can steal your heart in a moment. He is learning to express himself. Lord, give him the words he needs to do that. They are all sleeping now. Give them a precious night's rest, sweet dreams of Gigi and Grandpa Rick. Take away all of their cares for YOU care for them. Give Audra and Brian the rest they need to begin another day. Give them YOUR strength, YOUR wisdom, YOUR words, YOUR heart. Teach our family how to love these boys in the way that YOU design. We lay our whole family at your feet. Make us into what you want. Bring glory to YOURSELF as we bring praise to You for what You have done and are doing and for the new adventure you have led us on. Our lives will never be the same.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Flowers are in Bloom

Audra and Brian brought our four new grandboys home yesterday. I have talked to them briefly on the phone (as a group) and am excited that Rick and I will get to meet them face to face on Saturday! You can't imagine how excited I am or how apprehensive. I've never had grandchildren before - and now - all of a sudden I have FOUR. My heart is cup runneth over. I promise to keep you updated on the boys. I apologize for not blogging more but I have not been sure what I could write publicly. I would ask you to pray these things for my grandboys:
* for J - peace in his heart
* for T - that he will recognize unconditional love
* for D - comfort and security in his new forever home
* for I - health
* for A - patience and an overflowing of understanding and wisdom
* for B - leadership in guiding this family
Thank you, Lord, for bringing these sweet little boys into our family. Help me to be a good example of your love and mercy. Help me to be the best "Gigi" I can be!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Fantastic Four

Well, suddenly my garden is bursting in bloom! Over the last few weeks God has been doing some incredible things and soon my oldest daughter and her husband will be bringing FOUR little boys home. Our whole family is excited about how God has brought us through this journey, one that started nearly two years ago. Audra and Brian met the boys over dinner just a few weeks ago and they came for a weekend visit not long ago. We all know that their lives AND OURS is about to change forever. We are so excited about the adventure ahead and covet your prayers. I will do my best to keep my 'garden news' posted frequently to let you know how my garden is growing. I won't get to actually meet the boys face to face until April 5. You can't imagine MY anticipation. Like Audra, I'm scared, excited, apprehensive, thrilled... about being Gigi to the FANTASTIC FOUR!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Frogs and snails

As I write this, four little sweet ones are sleeping. I bet Audra and Brian are NOT. They are too excited. I can hardly wait to hear how the weekend goes. Trying to wait patiently.

Meanwhile, I've been unpacking wall pictures today - some of which I haven't seen in nearly five years. They were packed up in Africa for three years and once they all arrived here in Singapore there was no room to hang them. So they sat packed up for two more years. Most of them are pictures of my own little ones. Glamour shots... just fun stuff... and even some pictures that I had when my children were born.

One - is a cross-stitched piece that someone did for me when Ross was born. I wonder if he and Stephanie would want that?

Can't wait to have new wall photos of grandchildren! Oh, my. the very thought...

Lord, make the weekend last and make the memories wonderful!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Seeds are planted

Seeds are planted in my little garden and in no time at all, I suspect you will be able to see the little sprouts poking their heads out from under the soil! I am so excited about my little garden! I know that each little plant in it will be different - and yet each one has been created to bring glory and praise to the Gardener Himself! I have already been praying (for years actually) that these little ones will be useful in a mighty way!

As I contemplate these little seedlings, I can't help but think about the three original plants in this garden... my children. I have the MOST amazing children and every day I am so blessed by their walk with the Lord... by their faith and courage... and by their obedience to His will.

My little peanut - struggling to become a woman dependent on Him alone and yet so strong in Him she doesn't even realize it. Wow. She inspires me to bring joy in the lives of others the way she has brought it into mine.

My Bud - a man now - and in just a few months - a husband. His quiet spirit, his tenderness - he reminds me so much of my own daddy (whatever blows your hair back!). He is a servant. He has the best hugs in the world (and I need one right now!) He challenges me to be more than I am (InDesign and all) and to never give up.

Boot - my strong willed child, independent, courageous - and ready to bring a whole mission field right into her home. Give her a task - she is on it. Give her a challenge - she will make the impossible seem possible. Of all my children, she is the one who reminds me most of myself. She speaks truth... unapologetically. (Okay, that part of her doesn't remind me of me!) She gives me courage to try a little harder, to burst through the boundaries, to expand my territories.

With all of these "plants" who have come before - what a beautiful environment to bring these new little seedlings into! They have no idea how they are about to be blessed. We have no idea how they are about to bless us! We are ready to change their lives and we are ready to be changed!

I'm watching for those little seedlings to part the ground ... any day now!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

My Garden maybe growing

It's hard to believe that in just a few short weeks - days really - I may have four little plants in my garden. It's the first harvest of many prayers, God's perfect will and timing, and the desires that He has put in Audra's and Brian's hearts. I can hardly wait. But I have so many questions. Some of the questions I don't even know how to express. I am just trusting HIM - the Master Gardener - to give me all I need for my new little garden. Until then, I will be preparing myself, as best I can - emotionally, physically, and spiritually for this big change in our family's lives.

Friday, January 8, 2010


I am SO ready for my little garden of grandchildren to sprout up! I am praying that 2010 will be the year my little sprouts will come up. As I read through Audra and Brian's blog and see their maturity and obedience, I am so moved. They have exemplified their close walk with Him through their patience and continued obedience through some pretty tough times in 2009! My prayer is that He will continue to honor their obedience in 2010 and bring their hearts' desires - a family. It is my heart's desire as well.