Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Seeds are planted

Seeds are planted in my little garden and in no time at all, I suspect you will be able to see the little sprouts poking their heads out from under the soil! I am so excited about my little garden! I know that each little plant in it will be different - and yet each one has been created to bring glory and praise to the Gardener Himself! I have already been praying (for years actually) that these little ones will be useful in a mighty way!

As I contemplate these little seedlings, I can't help but think about the three original plants in this garden... my children. I have the MOST amazing children and every day I am so blessed by them...by their walk with the Lord... by their faith and courage... and by their obedience to His will.

My little peanut - struggling to become a woman dependent on Him alone and yet so strong in Him she doesn't even realize it. Wow. She inspires me to bring joy in the lives of others the way she has brought it into mine.

My Bud - a man now - and in just a few months - a husband. His quiet spirit, his tenderness - he reminds me so much of my own daddy (whatever blows your hair back!). He is a servant. He has the best hugs in the world (and I need one right now!) He challenges me to be more than I am (InDesign and all) and to never give up.

Boot - my strong willed child, independent, courageous - and ready to bring a whole mission field right into her home. Give her a task - she is on it. Give her a challenge - she will make the impossible seem possible. Of all my children, she is the one who reminds me most of myself. She speaks truth... unapologetically. (Okay, that part of her doesn't remind me of me!) She gives me courage to try a little harder, to burst through the boundaries, to expand my territories.

With all of these "plants" who have come before - what a beautiful environment to bring these new little seedlings into! They have no idea how they are about to be blessed. We have no idea how they are about to bless us! We are ready to change their lives and we are ready to be changed!

I'm watching for those little seedlings to part the ground ... any day now!

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